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Barnby & North Cove Primary School

Vision, Values & Priorities

Consortium Trust has committed to the following vision, values and priorities in order to achieve and exceed our commitment to exceptional education for all.

Our Vision

Our motto demonstrates our commitment to providing excellent educational opportunities for all.

'Where together excellence and pupils thrive'

Through geographical hubs of like-minded schools and a vision of excellence that is shared by all, we collectively and individually seek to overcome the barriers to improvement, seeking exceptional outcomes in every sphere we operate in.

Our vision is to achieve high standards in education, community engagement, staff performance and well-being.

It is our intent that our Trust and all member schools are recognised locally and nationally for the exceptional quality of our offer to our pupils and communities. We are a family of interdependent schools with a shared ambition to transform lives.

We are committed to the development of a very high-quality, and evidence-informed, model of how excellence is achieved.


Consortium expects our work to be characterised by:

  • Ethical Leadership

  • Excellent Communication

  • Endless Ambition

  • A belief in 'Success for All'

  • Inclusion

  • Being Child Focussed

  • Strong Relationships

  • Community Engagement

We treat our colleagues as family, our pupils as our own and believe that our schools, nurseries and facilities are community assets that must play a wider leadership role in the communities they serve.

our priorities

  • To deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that develops the whole child;

  • To provide an extended provision that embeds curriculum enrichment and meets the needs of parents;

  • To support every child to reach their full potential;

  • To provide exceptional support to all pupils, with particular focus on those that need extra;

  • To treat every member of Trust family with dignity and respect;

  • To be innovative, current and forward thinking;

  • Provide a comprehensive Continued Professional Development for all;

  • Through secure financial management, develop our offer to exceed expectations;

  • Through sustainable growth, embed our Trust as a key player in the East, developing a broad portfolio of schools and establishments in all phases across east Suffolk and east Norfolk – to be to around 20 schools within five years;

  • Value 'Pupil Voice' and provide the opportunity for engagement in the Trust’s development;

  • Value 'Parent Voice' through engagement, open door policy and an effective two-way communication strategy;

  • Recognise that school improvement only comes from valued, committed and happy staff;

To assist our families and staff with their holiday and childcare planning, we publish our academic year calendars as far ahead as reasonably possible, and try to overlap with local authority school closure periods as far as practicably possible.

Please find attached our calendars below.

  1. 2024-25 Academic Calendar V3
  2. 2025-26 Academic Calendar