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Barnby & North Cove Primary School

School Uniform

 Uniform is an important part of school life. We are proud of our uniform and how we present ourselves and Barnby & North Cove Primary School within the community.

For parent and carer convenience, our full range of uniform can be ordered online at Screens School wear using the following link:


Nursery to Year 4 - Pupils wear navy crew neck or cardigans and white polo shirts.
Year 5 and 6 – Pupils wear navy V-Neck sweatshirts or cardigans, white collared shirt and tie.
Charcoal Grey skirt, pinafore or trousers (skirts need to be knee length)
Grey tights or white socks for girls
Blue and white gingham dress with white socks for summer
Charcoal Grey trousers or shorts for boys
Black shoes (not trainers) – girls need to have shoes with only a low heel
Boots may only be worn for journeys to and from school.


Black Shorts, light blue polo shirt and black plimsolls. Children are also expected to have an outside PE kit consisting of a plain tracksuit, without any logos and old trainers. Screens now do a hoody with the school logo on for PE.

outdoor learning kit

ODL is an important part of school life at Barnby & North Cove Primary School. Children are expected to have a full change of ‘dirty’ clothes with wellies, hat and gloves.  A plain black/blue waterproof is optional.


We have only limited storage space in our cloakrooms. Please provide a small PE bag for your child’s kit.

water bottles

Please provide a named bottle of water each day for your child.

The only jewellery to be worn should be small stud earrings and a watch. 
Make-up and nail varnish is not part of the school uniform, so should not be worn in school.
Please label all clothing.
Please could you make sure that your child’s coat has a loop to hang it up by.
Please note that second hand sales will be held throughout the year, however if you have an urgent need for uniform, please contact Kathy Lloyd in the school office on 01502 476230 and we will be more than happy to help if we can.